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oDDBall analysis of conservative politics with a libertarian economic conservative twist. Small government, big freedom.
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September 19, 2021
Is this why I was booted from Quora? Schools teaching political revisionism

What do you think is the worst case of revisionism in terms of what is being taught in school history classes today?
‘Competence of left wing governments in stable democracies’ is a worst case of revisionism in school history today. It underpins a number of common tropes used to assuage bitter feelings when the left do badly. So that “Kennedy had a troubled history in government, ..” ..”but his foreign policy was intelligent.” .. “but his speeches were magnificent” .. “but he was for civil rights.” But, if one digs, one finds all the wonderful aspects overstated. Magnificent speeches were not written by him and not followed through by him. Kennedy’s vaunted civil rights record is tarnished when one notes he gave free reign to Wallace. But if one looks at the Democrat Presidents who followed JFK, where is the virtue of LBJ, Carter, Clinton or Obama? All of them were horrible in foreign affairs or domestic issues. Clinton’s greatest achievement was having a GOP congress to guide the economy. But, looking backwards, Truman, FDR and Wilson were no better. All three were involved in war atrocities that would cashier a GOP President. GOP can be criticised, but can Dems? Not in our modern classrooms

In UK, much has been made of weak conservative leaders post Thatcher. But, Blair and Brown and their non PM leaders, following, have shrunk over time in moral terms. Jeremy Corbyn’s position on Israel and Palestine is not the position of a good world citizen. Brown’s views on Scotland have not benefited the Scots. Under UK Labor, UK were unable to grow their economy appropriately. They make Therese May look competent. PM May was not the best candidate, Boris Johnson, who was sidelined when an ambitious backer of his backstabbed him. The conservative infrastructure is terribly compromised by organisations such as the Clinton Foundation which has compromised conservative parties internationally, buying individuals with money and access to power.

Similarly in Australia, from Whitlam, Hawke, Keating, Rudd and Gillard, Hawke being lauded, but Hawke had the advantage of Howard as opposition leader allowing good reforms to pass. In the last decade, a powerful union lobby has managed to overturn regulation that prevented their corruption. Under Work Choices, workers could engage unions if they wanted them. Under Fair Work, unions can use stand over tactics to extort from business and limit opportunities to employees. https://conservativeweasel.blogspot.com/2021/09/19th-sept-review-of-historical-and.html

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November 27, 2022
Jingle Bell Rock

Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock
Jingle bells swing and jingle bells ring
Snowin' and blowin' up bushels of fun
Now the jingle hop has begun

Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock
Jingle bells chime in jingle bell time
Dancin' and prancin' in Jingle Bell Square
In the frosty air

What a bright time, it's the right time
To rock the night away
Jingle bell time is a swell time
To go glidin' in a one-horse sleigh

Giddy-up jingle horse, pick up your feet
Jingle around the clock
Mix and a-mingle in the jinglin' feet
That's the jingle bell rock

Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock
Jingle bell chime in jingle bell time
Dancin' and prancin' in Jingle Bell Square
In the frosty air

What a bright time, it's the right time
To rock the night away
Jingle bell time is a swell time
To go glidin' in a one-horse sleigh

Giddy-up jingle horse, pick up your feet
Jingle around the clock
Mix and a-mingle in the jinglin' feet
That's the jingle bell
That's the jingle bell
That's the jingle...

September 01, 2021
Intro to Locals for the Conservative Voice

David Daniel Ball calls himself the Conservative Voice.

I'm a teacher with three decades experience teaching math to high school kids.I also work with first graders and kids in between first grade and high school. I know the legends of why Hypatia's dad is remembered through his contribution to Math theory. And I know the legend of why followers of Godel had thought he had disproved God's existence.

I'm not a preacher, but I am a Christian who has written over 28 books all of which include some reference to my faith. Twelve blog books on world history and current affairs, detailing world events , births and marriages on each day of the year, organised by month. Twelve books on the background to and history of Bible Quotes. One Bible quote per day for a year. An intro to a science fiction series I'm planning, post apocalyptic cyber punk. An autobiography with short story collections.

I'm known in Australia for my failure as a whistleblower over the negligence death of a school boy. ...

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